HTC VT-110 Thermal Imaging Camera

Brand: HTC Instrument

M.R.P.: Rs. 30208
Sale Price: Rs. 20853

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Price (Without GST): Rs. 17672

Price (Including GST 18.00 %) : Rs. 20853

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  • Display Resolution 240*320 pixels; IR solution: 33×33 (1089 pixels)
  • Visible light image Resolution: 300,000 pixels; Field Angle: 32 X 32Ëš
  • Infrared Temperature Range: -20-380ËšC/-4-716ËšF; Accuracy: >0ËšC, ±2% or reading ±2ËšC/3.6ËšF<0ËšC, ±3ËšC/5.4ËšF Note: Accuracy is measured in an environment of 18-28 degree
  • Dew Point Temperature Range: -30~100ËšC/-22~212ËšF; Accuracy: ±1.0ËšC/1.8ËšF (25ËšC/77ËšF,35-70%RH)
  • Wet Bulb Temperature Range: -30~100ËšC/-22~212ËšF; Accuracy: ±1.0ËšC/1.8ËšF (25ËšC/77ËšF,35-70%RH)
  • Thermal Sensitivity: 0.15ËšC/0.27ËšF; Emissivity: Adjustable 0.1-1.0; Image Frequency: 9HZ

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Product details

Country of Origin:India
Product Dimension:6.5X8.8X22.3 Centimeters
Description:Display Resolution 240*320 pixels; IR solution: 33A—33 (1089 pixels)Visible light image Resolution: 300,000 pixels; Field Angle: 32 X 32ËšInfrared Temperature Range: -20-380ËšC/-4-716ËšF; Accuracy: >0ËšC, ±2% or reading ±2ËšC/3.6ËšF<0ËšC, ±3ËšC/5.4ËšF Note: Accuracy is measured in an environment of 18-28 degreeDew Point Temperature Range: -30~100ËšC/-22~212ËšF; Accuracy: ±1.0ËšC/1.8ËšF (25ËšC/77ËšF,35-70%RH)Wet Bulb Temperature Range: -30~100ËšC/-22~212ËšF; Accuracy: ±1.0ËšC/1.8ËšF (25ËšC/77ËšF,35-70%RH)Thermal Sensitivity: 0.15ËšC/0.27ËšF; Emissivity: Adjustable 0.1-1.0; Image Frequency: 9HZ  

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